What is the one most important verse in all of Scripture related to stewardship? For my money I go with 2 Corinthians 8:5—“….they gave themselves first to the Lord.” That is where it all begins. Your giving will never be greater than your first giving yourself to the Lord.
Read Paul’s words that precede this great truth as he talks about the almost unimaginable spirit of giving that was the hallmark of the Church at Macedonia—“Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. They gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability. They did not do as we expected….but gave themselves first to the Lord.”
I want to invite all of you to consider your own level of generosity as it relates to your support of the ministries of CVBC. Sunday morning I challenged you to “STEP UP” your giving by at least 1% this year and each year until you reach the Biblical goal of giving a tithe, or 10% of your income. Understand you are ultimately not giving to the church alone, you are investing in Kingdom work and displaying your trust in God to provide.
The great thing about this is that CVBC has taken a leap of faith this coming year with belief and confidence that you will rise to the level of faithful giving. I am especially delighted that the biggest increases have all been in ministry related areas—food pantry, youth ministry and outreach. So “STEP UP” and lets see how God blesses our trust and faith in him. Don’t wait until next year. In this season of Thanksgiving what more appropriate time!
Brave Journey,