If you were at the memorial service for Eddie Sinnema this past Saturday, you heard a song we have sung many times in church. The song was Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. As I heard the song, I was reminded of a story in the Bible. The story is in the book of Matthew, the 14th chapter. Here are two verses from that story. “Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Matthew 14:29-30)
You are probably pretty familiar with the story that goes along with our verses for this week. If not, I would encourage you to read chapter 14 of Matthew. The disciples were out on the water when Jesus appeared to them. They were in the boat, Jesus was not. They were afraid, as anyone would be. They wanted to believe it was Jesus, but they had to be sure. To prove it was Him, they asked him to allow them to walk on the water to Him. Jesus said for them to come to Him. Peter, of course, jumped out of the boat and began walking to Jesus. He was actually doing what Jesus told Him to do, though it would appear to be impossible to do. One would think he would automatically sink. Nobody is supposed to walk on water. True, but Peter was walking on water. He was watching Jesus and doing what no one would think he would do.
Then, something changed. Something happened that caused Peter to get in trouble. Peter felt the wind, he heard the waves and he noticed he was actually walking on the water. He then began to sink and needed Jesus to save him. What was the difference? The difference was Peter began to focus on the events around him instead of focusing on Jesus. It happens. It happens to us as well. One day we are doing well. We are living for Christ, reading our Bible, praying and doing things that seem to be drawing us closer to God. Then, just like Peter, we start noticing the events of life around us. Upcoming procedures for our health. Bills that come in the mail. News from the family members who are struggling. Fear, anxiety, stress, confusion. Over and over we notice what is taking place around us and we take our eyes and focus off of Christ. Then, just like Peter, we notice something is wrong and we need Christ to help us. The point of the story…keep your eyes on Jesus, even in the storm, and He will help you do incredible things.
I love how, even when we focused our minds on remembering Eddie, our hearts were drawn to focusing on Christ. That’s the way it should be, even when storms come our way. It’s no coincidence Peter was doing ok as long as he looked at Christ. He is the calmer of the storm. He is the peace that we can feel. Let’s keep our eyes on Christ, so we can feel His presence. Until next week…
Peace and Blessings…