Next Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day. Next to Christmas and Easter it is one of the most significant celebrations in the calendar year. Someone has said, “Mothers hold their children’s hands for a short while, but their hearts forever.
Difficulties Bring Out the Best and the Worst
I have come to the conclusion that difficulties bring out the best and the worst in human nature. Among the best, is the inspiring commitment and compassion of doctors, nurses and hospital staff that put their lives on the line
Blessed Beyond Measure
Fifty four years ago, this past Sunday, April 19, 1966, Gloria and I and our 21 month old son, Micky, sailed from the port of New Orleans to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We were going to a country we had
By Their Fruit You Will Recognize Them
Claiming to be a Christian and living the Christian life are two different things just as being a member of a church and being saved are two different things. Jesus said, “Not everyone who says to me, “Lord, Lord, will
Thank you, Lord
Holy Week – there is no another week like it in all of history. From the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Sunday until Jesus death on the cross and burial on Friday, it was a week packed with drama, suspense,
Count Your Blessings, Praise the Lord.
With the health challenge our world is facing, we are learning a whole new vocabulary. Remember when the transistor was invented and revolutionized the electronic industry. No longer were bulky vacuum tubes needed for a radio to function. We learned
Tough Times Call for Tough Decisions
The world we live in is changing hour by hour as the spread of the Coronavirus grows more serious. By Executive order, Governor Roy Cooper, declared a state of emergency on March 11, and urged organizations to cancel or postpone
Protecting Yourself and Others from Covid-19
Covid-19 better known as the Coronavirus is in full focus around the world. The more we can learn about the disease and what we can do to protect ourselves the better off we will all be. We are grateful for
Are You Listening?
Gloria and I were watching a news broadcast recently when she asked me, “Did you hear that?” It just so happened that I was looking up something on my iPhone at the moment and I responded, “no, what did he
A Week That Changed the World
I am excited about the Wednesday night Bible Study which will begin March 4, and run through April 9, when we celebrate Maundy Thursday. We will be studying about “A Week That Changed the World,” namely Passion Week. Passion Week