First, a special thanks for the glory and beauty of the Easter Cantata this past Sunday.  How blessed we continue to be by the music ministry of our church.  

Easter/Leonard Sweet captures me with these words–There is a magic moment in time when only one person in the whole world, one person walking planet Earth, knew the good news of “He’s alive,” the ultimate “breaking news” that would forever change the course of humanity.  The whole Jesus story hinged on what that one person would do with the truth.  This one person was Mary Magdala.  She was there when all the other disciples fled.  She stood firm in her faith when all others doubted.  She saw angels when Peter and John only saw stacks of dirty laundry.  And all this at a time when the testimony of any woman was unvalued and, more than that, not to be trusted.  The whole story hangs on one single, fragile thread.

Each one of us, no matter how seemingly insignificant or marginalized, is a single, fragile thread that has been entrusted with a truth that can change lives and shape destinies.  Your faith, your testimony, and your willingness to share the truth all matter.  God wants to use your single, precious, fragile threat to create something beautiful and eternal, a tapestry of truth that carries the greatest news the world has even known.

And so, in my words, I will proclaim this Easter morning words I have proclaimed for 45 years as a pastor—“Christ is Risen!” and invite you to respond, “He is Risen Indeed!”   We do not live in a Good Friday world.  We are Easter people and God will forever have the last word.  LETS CELEBRATE!

Brave Journey,
