Who do you listen to for sound advice or direction? From what source do you draw information? How do you know in this mass media age of information, opinions, speculations and analysis what is truth and what is fiction or fake news? Who can you believe? Who can you trust? What is bias, fake, slanted news and what is truth and fact?
Admittedly, it is increasingly more difficult than ever to distinguish between truth and lies. In the midst of confusion in knowing what to believe and what not to believe, who to believe and who not to believe, the Psalmist makes a declaration that is worthy of our attention. He said, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say. (Psalm 85:8)
In one of my “quiet moments” recently, my attention was drawn to a hymn which I interpreted to be a powerful, helpful and needful prayer by B.B. McKinney. Here are the words:
Speak to my heart Lord Jesus, Speak that my soul may hear;
Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus, Calm every doubt and fear.
Speak to my heart Lord Jesus, Purge me from every sin;
Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus, Help me the lost to win.
Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus, It is no longer mine:
Speak to my heart, Lord Jesus, I would be wholly Thine.
Speak to my heart, Oh, speak to my heart,
Speak to my heart, I pray; Yielded and still,
seeking Thy Will, Oh, speak to my heart today.
The words, bias opinions and speculations of others can easily mislead us and cause us to go down the wrong path, the path of evil and destruction. But the Word of God will never lead you down the wrong road. Let us join the Psalmist in declaring, “I will listen to what God the Lord will say.”
In His Love, Charles