While thumbing through a copy of “Our Daily Bread,” I came across this devotional, “Qualified in God’s Eyes,” written by Jennifer Benson Schuldt. Intrigued by the title, I began to read the article. We always view our abilities (and limitations) on what we think we are “qualified” to do and not what God will enable us to do.
Jennifer shared with readers her experience when she was a young college graduate. She was hired by a technology-consulting firm even though she felt her abilities to do the job left a lot to be desired. She must have been grateful to realize that the company recognized her personal qualities for problem solving, exercising good judgment, and being a team player. They assumed new workers could be taught the necessary skills.
Then Jennifer focuses on Noah and quotes this scripture from Genesis 6:9: “[Noah] walked faithfully with God.” Noah didn’t have the right resume for the job God was asking him to do—Constructing the ark! What was God thinking? Noah wasn’t a boat builder or even a carpenter! Noah was a farmer, a man who was comfortable with a plow in his hands and dirt on his clothes. But God had other plans for Noah. As God decided how to deal with the evil of the world at that time, Noah stood out because “he walked faithfully with God.” God valued the teachableness of Noah’s heart—the strength to resist the corruption around him and to do what was right.
Oftentimes when opportunities to serve God come our way, we may not feel qualified for the work. Thankfully, God is not necessarily concerned with our skill set. God prizes our character, love for Him, and willingness to trust Him. When the Spirit is developing these qualities within us, He can use us in big or small ways to accomplish His will on earth. To doubt that this is true would imply that we doubt the power of our God.
Jennifer poses this question: What character qualities do you need God to develop in you? Ask Him.
This devotional closes with this prayer: Dear God, give me a heart that’s willing to serve you in any way. Equip me in the areas where I lack experience, and fill me with your Spirit so that I can honor you.
Norma Rossouw in her book, “The Pocket Bible Devotional for Women,” says it this way: God created you with unique abilities to make a difference. You cannot do everything and be everything to everyone, but you can serve others with your God-given abilities. You won’t be successful in your own strength, but God gives those He has called the ability to improve the lives of others.
YOU, like Noah, may be surprised by what God asks (and equips) you to do!
Walk faithfully with God.
Jean Glosson (reprinted from April 12, 2021)