There is one attitude that I believe transforms all of life–the attitude of gratitude. It is the last week of February, my least favorite month as it seems winter will never end….and this year we get one extra day to boot. And doesn’t that feel like life sometimes? A whole lot of it and then even more some days. So gratitude!!! I’m not talking denial or being flippant. Life is hard somedays and other days even harder. But allowing gratitude to dance along with life can make all the difference.

I remember when my youngest daughter was in preschool. The preschool was in the same building as the church where I was pastor. So every morning we would ride together to preschool/work and we had a certain ritual. While we were walking from the car to the building we would hold hands and sing “This is the day, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” It started our whole day in a different frame of mind and I still remember how transformative that one little act of gratitude and praise had the power to start the entire day in a different frame of mind.

How about you? What do you focus on? The hurt, the wounds, the loneliness or depression or loss. They are real and not to be discounted. But must they have the last word or only word? The dark side of life loses much of its strength when the bright side of gratitude to God enters in. So today, tomorrow, all your days—find that note of gratitude and sing it. It can make all the difference, even in these last days of February. March is coming, springtime, flowers, Easter—so much to be grateful for!!!

Brave Journey,