Prayer Power – It’s a subject that has been on my mind for weeks now. When I was asked several months ago to speak at the Sunday Night Vesper Service at Springmoor January 27, I began asking God, “What shall I say?” The answer came strong and clear, “Speak on Prayer Power.”
Over these past weeks and right up to the writing of this “Thought for the Week” I have witnessed time and again the power of prayer in the lives of members of our church and in our own personal lives.
One example is Louise and George Shore who have had their share of challenges. George has recovered from 5 fractured ribs and an aneurysm surgery. Louise suffered a fall that fractured her pelvis in 3 places. She is recovering and back home. Prayer Power!
Our Daughter, Anita Culler, has undergone a rare surgery to remove a tumor that was wrapped around her facial nerves. In two very long procedures, Doctors removed the tumor, grafted a nerve from her leg to the left side of her face, connected it to the right side of her face, and the healing process has begun to restore feeling and muscle control to the affected area. Prayer Power!
At Christmas time, our church finances were at a low point and we faced the issue of replacing two Air Condition/Heating units. We took up a “I Love My Church” Thanksgiving offering that brought in around $10,000. At the end of the year, two generous benefactors gave anonymous budget gifts totaling $30,000. This month we sold the Church Bus for $10,000 and a third benefactor provided a gift that will cover the replacement of one of our HVAC units. In addition, we found a company named Design Mechanical that has greatly reduced our HVAC repair and replacement costs. Our finances have gone from a negative to a positive. Prayer Power!
We lift our voices in praise to God for his graciousness, generosity and love to Crabtree Valley Baptist Church. We have no cause to doubt, complain, murmur or worry. God is in control. PRAYER IS POWERFUL. Blessings have been poured upon us. Let us rejoice and continue our faithfulness to God. Give God the Glory for PRAYER POWER!
In His Love,