The writer in the devotional guide “Reflections” for Friday, May 29, said “When we find the future unclear or foreboding, finding the motivation for today’s tasks is often difficult.” Aleta Payne wrote in her News & Observer Editorial on May 29,“Pews are empty, but belief is full,” “We need to love each other enough to miss each other a little longer.”
Against the backdrop of news that the US death toll from Covid 19 has passed the 100,000 mark, that the number of people contracting the virus is rising, that this virus may be with us for years to come, that unemployment in the US has reached 40 million, That riots are going on in Minneapolis and across the USA including Raleigh because of police brutality and the death of George Floyd, and a multitude of other discouraging events, it is difficult to see a bright future. These are dark days.
Did not Jesus say, “In the world you will have tribulation”? The sad condition of the world and man’s inability to resolve his own sinful problems is the very reason that God sent his only son into the world. Jesus came to save us from our sins, to save us from ourselves, to give us a purpose and meaning for living, to offer us eternal life with Him.
Jesus came to show us God’s love, to demonstrate grace, kindness, forgiveness, to offer us peace and a better way to live. If current events and conditions do not cause us to turn to God, get on our knees, repent and ask for God’s forgiveness and direction, what will? What is going to happen to America if we don’t?
Our hope is in Jesus Christ. Our future is in Christ. As Christians, Jesus’ death and resurrection and our belief and commitment to him assures us of eternal life. Right now, on earth, Satan is alive and well, he is powerful and destructive and many people are falling into his hands and being led to do his evil work. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
Our motivation in these turbulent times is God’s Love. We need to love each other not just to protect us from a virus, not just to give us patience until we can meet together in worship again but to love each other and even those who do not love us as we plead for men and women across this land to turn to Jesus.
In His Love,