What a wonderful day of worship this past Sunday! It was so good to see so many worshiping with us! I know it was Mother’s Day, which brings out a crowd, but we had others in attendance who have not been with us in quite some time, as well as visitors with us. I was so glad everyone was able to join us. What an honor to recognize and celebrate the mothers who were in attendance. The children’s gifts given to the mothers was very sweet. Thank you, Cheryl for leading them in this ministry. But mothers weren’t the only thing we celebrated on Sunday.
After worship, we were able to have a business meeting where the church voted to allow Pastor Glenn and the Filipino community to use part of the church for their church ministry. Pastor Glenn and his wife are starting a Filipino church and have been worshiping with us for several weeks. Our associational missionary shared with us they might be interested in using our facility. After communicating with them, we were asked for permission to use the downstairs for their Sunday worship and then a time during the week for Bible study. The church agreed to it and it became official during the business meeting.
This was the first time in my years of ministry that a church I have pastored has joined together with a fellow church this way. There were some interesting, and powerful emotions I felt at the time of the vote. First, I was so proud of the Crabtree Valley Baptist church family for doing this. I really feel that God was leading this. I feel that, in the words of Jabez, we allowed God to “enlarge our territory”. We allowed God to lead us and I believe we will see the blessing of it, however God sees for that to happen. You have allowed yourself to be used by God, and that is wonderful.
Another emotion I felt was humility. I was so humbled to stand on the platform with Pastor Glenn and share a prayer of support and ministry with my new friend. I am sure that the ministry he leads with his folk will be blessed by God. God is already working among them and I believe God will continue to do so. Our church allowed that to happen and I can’t wait to hear reports from him about their ministry.
Finally, as I stood there with him I felt the strongest sense of peace. I truly believe God was at work in this vote. From the time Keith Harris met with them and brought to the deacons his report, I have felt God moving. I have no idea where this will go, but I know it would not have gone anywhere without the church’s support. So, thank you Crabtree Valley Baptist Church, for allowing God to use you in His ministry at this season of our church life. May God bless us as we continue to open ourselves up to His leadership. Until next week…
Peace and Blessings, Johnny