As human beings we often do not understand the problems of others until we have experienced them ourselves. Back in the 1930’s, American Airways (now American Airlines) had a tremendous problem with lost luggage. Lamotte Cohn, then General Manager, urged his station managers to improve
The Prayer of Jabez
Are you praying the prayer of Jabez? For the past three Sundays we have given focus to this powerful prayer found in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. We have two more Sundays to go. The sermon emphasis is on each one of the four petitions. Jabez asked
Growing Spiritually
In Brazil, we lived on a fruit farm out in the interior and 400 miles from the Coast. We found many lessons to be learned from the fruit trees that we had in our yard. We had cashew trees, bananas, orange, lemon and coconut
Everyone Needs Encouragement
Thought for the Week Luciano Pavarotti, the famous opera star, almost missed his calling. As a young man, he taught elementary school and sang only occasionally. But there were certain individuals that made a difference in his life. His Grandmother would hold him in her
Many people pursue happiness as if it is a destination, something way off in the distance. But genuine happiness is right at your fingertips. Those who are happy are those who have learned how to enjoy and savor each moment of the day. The
Serve the Lord with Gladness!
Psalm 100:2. says, “Serve the Lord with Gladness” The New International Version translates that verse as “Worship the Lord with gladness.” Paul reminds all of us that we are to present our bodies (ourselves) to God as a living sacrifice, acceptable to God and
Take time to LISTEN
Mother Teresa once said, “There is so much good you can do if you listen to God in the silence of your heart.” Her words are food for thought in these challenging times. The key word in her statement is “LISTEN”. The key place to
Be Nourished!
If there are times in your life when you doubt the importance of Bible Study, Worship and fellowship with other Christians, don’t be too hard on yourself or fill your life with guilt. We would be less than normal if we didn’t have doubts
Thank you, Lord!
While visiting a friend in the hospital, a nurse entered the room on her routine check. Completing her duties, she stopped, commented on the beautiful roses, then went around to the other side of the bed so that she could smell them. As
Patience seems to be an unsought virtue in the world today. Everyone is in a hurry. We want it now! We definitely belong to the “instant generation”. Some even consider as a weakness rather than a virtue. To some, patience is nothing more than a