In the 1800’s there lived a man, a German, named Friedrich Nietzche who said, “God is dead.” His belief and his declaration created quite a stir among theologians around the world. It might come as a surprise to you that
God is my Salvation

In the 1800’s there lived a man, a German, named Friedrich Nietzche who said, “God is dead.” His belief and his declaration created quite a stir among theologians around the world. It might come as a surprise to you that
Frank E. Peretti , New York Times bestselling author, wrote a forward to Ravi Zacharias’s book, “Deliver Us From Evil,” and describes our present generation as “a vast, teeming sea of people…boiling, agitated…some quite educated, but still lost. Some are
Saturday, July 4, we celebrate Independence Day, the birth of our beloved country, The United States of America. Do you recall when you were required to memorize the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence? “We hold these truths to be
Last week, I encouraged you to read “The Walk” series by Richard Paul Evans. I have now made it to my fifth and final book in the series. It has been a long time since a book or a series
If you are looking for good reading material you will do well to check out the writings of Richard Paul Evans. Through a friend, Gloria and I were introduced to “The Walk Series” by this gifted writer. There are five
The complexity of human nature is difficult to explain and difficult to understand. The Apostle Paul would certainly agree. Eugene Peterson has put Paul’s words in the 7th Chapter or Romans into everyday language. It goes like this, “What I
The writer in the devotional guide “Reflections” for Friday, May 29, said “When we find the future unclear or foreboding, finding the motivation for today’s tasks is often difficult.” Aleta Payne wrote in her News & Observer Editorial on May
It’s just a small 4×6 foot space in the corner of a larger room in our home in what some would call a “sun room”. It is adorned with Gloria’s beautiful orchids, a book case, a shelf holding our college
Two cherished devotional books in my library are “Morning and Evening” by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, known as “The Prince of Preachers” of whom it is said, “he preached out of the overflow of his devotional life.” And a devotional classic,
The parents of today’s seniors grew up in the days of silent films when one of the famous actors was Charlie Chaplin. Chaplin was an English comic actor, filmmaker and composer known around the world. He was considered one of