The youth just accomplished the inaugural Drive Thru Crabtree Café. I must say, it was a HUGE success. Saturday night as David and I prepared, God must have been saying, “Oh ye of little faith”. David and I both were concerned about how it was going to go and what we would do with ALL the leftover food. Ideas of frozen spaghetti casseroles for all upcoming meals and events seemed like an option. When I woke up early Sunday morning to begin the day, I prayed, “Ok God, this one has to be you; we can’t succeed without your guidance, safety and love. I know it can be done in your name”.”
ALL the plans, thoughts, goals we put together would never have driven us to believe how successful the outcome would be. There were lots of preliminary discussions and planning sessions with the Walkers (Randy, Cheryl and Ashley), Bucks (Jeff and Ellian) and Jenkins (David and Beth). There were multiple texts assuring the list of items needed were purchased. There were many offers by the church community to assist with purchases and desserts. There were many social media posts encouraging support. There was a sign out front advertising the event. The Youth had prepared posters, Thank You notes and handouts promoting our church to be sent with each outgoing meal. We had done all we could do to be successful.
Then, Sunday morning arrived. The weather was perfect. The Youth received their assignments. The men arranged the flow of traffic. The dessert table was overflowing. The “chefs” were boiling pots of sauce and noodles. The cars began to arrive as early as 11:40am. The first car requested 2 plates and gave a $100 donation. Many cars followed offering additional donations. The Youth ran their legs off delivering plates and advertising with posters at the street. Every time a passing car blew their horn, cheers erupted from the Youth. One car stopped, unknown to anyone there, and stated, “I just can’t pass by a fundraiser for the Youth.” By the end of the morning, we had sent 65 plates through the drive thru and raised $1135.00.
Proverbs 16:9 tells us: “A man’s heart plans his way: but the Lord directs his steps.”
We did plan our way Sunday, but there is no doubt, the Lord directed our steps. We are thankful and grateful to all who supported the Youth and assisted Ashley with ascending toward her goal of taking the Youth to Passport camp 2021. Make plans now for the next Drive Thru Crabtree Café, 12/6, 11am – 1pm (NOTE time change). The menu will be an authentic Mexican Meal, prepared by our very own Claudia Harris (Carolina, Jimmy and Santiago’s Mom) and I can’t wait!
We are Blessed! Beth Jenkins