A new year. A fresh start. A year of possibilities waiting for us to embrace. There is something about making a new start that captures our imaginations and fills us hopefully with divine dreams that God has for us. I look forward to what God has in store for our church and challenge you to claim your role in making that happen. This Sunday is a perfect way to begin as we share in the Lord’s Supper. We are family and this is our family meal at best. I appreciate the following words by James L. Christensen:

Why I Come To The Lord’s Table

I come not because I am worthy, not for any righteousness of mine.
For I have sinned and fallen short of what, by God’s help, I might have been.

But, I come because Christ bids me come. It is His Table.
And He invites me.

I come because it is a memorial to Him, as oft it is done in remembrance of Him.
And when I remember Him – His like, His sufferings and death,
I find myself humbling myself in His presence and bowing in worship.

I come, because here is portrayed Christian self-denial,
and I am taught very forcibly the virtue of sacrifice
on behalf of another which has salvation in it.

I come, because here I have the opportunity to acknowledge
my unworthiness and to make a new start.

I come, because here I find comfort and peace.

I come, because here I find hope.

I come, because I rise from this place with new strength, courage, and
power to live for Him who died for me.

Brave Journey,