Have you had your annual physical? I hope so for taking care of your body is part of what it means to being faithful to God’s creation in you. I’ve often heard it said and know it to be true— the body and soul are close neighbors and what affects one affects the other. But how about this—have you had your annual spiritual checkup?
Every bit as critical and important. At the start of a new year but really at intervals as frequent as each day a “checkup” is always a good thing.
Back in the 18th century Ignatius of Loyola came up with what has now been called the “daily examen.” (Google it) In it he gives a framework for what a daily spiritual may invite and I heartily recommend it to you. It is often the last thing I bring to my soul before going to sleep at night. There are different words ascribed to it but it basically calls for you to at the end of the day give consideration to the following:
*Give thanks to God for what you’ve experienced that day
*Ask grace to recognize sins and move on from them
*Review the day and where you experienced God
*Ask pardon for the day’s faults
*Resolve: What are you going to do next?
So how is your spiritual health? A good “daily spiritual” is good for the soul. Hope yours finds you healthy and well.
Brave Journey, Bill
(reprinted from Jan 2024)