The angels predicted it at His birth— “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY!” And then Jesus fulfilled it—“I have come that you may know JOY and that your JOY may be complete.”
JOY—to receive Christ in your life is to be surprised by JOY. And yet, if you’re like me, you look around the world today, and even so many churches and JOY seems to be in short supply.
We’re not talking happiness here. Happiness is a conditional state of being, one that rises or falls based on what is happening in your life. No, JOY is something the world can’t give nor can it take away.
I”m beginning a series of messages this Sunday entitled “InJOY.’ A play on words, if you will, that reminds us of all the ways we can enjoy life when we live lives of joy. The series is based on the Book of Philippians. Paul, writing from a jail cell (not a likely place for joy) speaks of this kind of life again and again, a life he remarkable gives evidence of being possible even in the worst of circumstances.
So come out and lets expect JOY in your life. Worship, the fellowship of others, the reminder that God is in control, all add to our JOY—-and may we be challenged to let it be FULL! Hope to see you Sunday.
Brave Journey, Bill