Worship service featuring the sermon “The Scariest Word I Know” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Joshua 7:1-9; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker.
Of all the words in the English language there’s one that can change the events of life. That word is the word “but”. It can change the direction we are going, and it can
change how things end up in life. In this morning’s message, our pastor shares about
someone in the Bible who decided to go against the will of God and it affected how his life turned out. While God commanded him to do one thing, he chose to do something else and we see the word “but” come into play to affect his life. Our text is from Joshua 7:1-9. Gene Sherwood is our scripture reader for today’s service.
Points to remember:
1) We must remain obedient because God sees what we are doing
2) Disobeying God may cause others around us to be hurt
3) When we disobey God, we need to confess that sin