


Worship service featuring the sermon “The Compassionate We” given by Guest Preacher Dr. Rev. Carolyn McClendon; including scriptures from Matthew 14:3-21, Matthew 25:35-40; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Joanne Isenhour, and organist Cheryl Walker.

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Rev. Carolyn McClendon as our guest preacher. Carolyn joined the CBFNC team as the Welcome House Community Network Coordinator in September 2020. She serves alongside Field Personnel Kim and Marc Wyatt in the Capital Region of North Carolina. A native of Louisiana, Carolyn loves working with interfaith, inclusive and vulnerable communities who continue to enhance, challenge and enlarge her world/worldview and her relational community. She is an active member at Millbrook Baptist Church, working with members of the Labyrinth Committee to offer spiritual, personal growth and outreach opportunities at the Labyrinth. When not working, Carolyn enjoys baking and reading, as well as times of stillness, quiet and reflection.

The Compassionate We