We are approaching the time when folks will take vacations. Graduations will be taking place this week, and some have already taken place. It is time for rest and relaxation from the stress and difficulties of the school year. For some, this will be the first time to get away since the pandemic began. It is good to be able to get away. Some people feel guilty about taking a break in life. We shouldn’t. Even Jesus had to take a break and rest at times. We all want to be superhuman, but we are not. We need to take care of ourselves.
In an article from justbetweenus.org, Pete Briscoe and Patricia Hickman share about the times when Jesus just needed a break and some rest. There are five different times they speak of this. (1) Jesus took a break after he fed the 5000. (Matthew 14:22-23) That must have been a tiring time, both physically and mentally. Having a little food and making it stretch to feeding everyone, with some left over. He was tired and he needed to be away from even His disciples. So He sent them in the boat and he went to the mountain to pray, and rest. (2) Jesus took a break before making a big decision. (Luke 6:12-13) Before Jesus called the disciples, He needed to go away and pray, to make sure He made the right choices. (3) Jesus took a break after a heavy period of ministry. (Mark 6:30-32) After hearing all the disciples had done, and realizing they had not had a chance to rest, Jesus told them to come with Him and rest. Our bodies do grow weary and tired and we need to rest. None of us can do all we do without taking time for ourselves. (4) Jesus took rest when He’d had enough of people. (Mark 7:24) This may sound strange, but there were times when Jesus was done with people for a little bit. It did not mean he did not love them and care about them, he had just reached his people limit. It happens. Even the biggest extrovert needs a little time from people. (5) Finally, Jesus took a break when he was about to face an intimidating task. (Luke 22:41) As Jesus knew He was about to be betrayed, arrested and crucified, He went out to pray. He needed to be alone. Sure, He took three disciples with Him, but He needed to get away and pray.
As you can see, even Jesus needed to take a break and rest. However, the one thing He did do, even in His rest, was stay connected to the Father. This summer, as you understand the importance of resting and renewing your energy, do it staying connected to God. Make sure you read your Bible, pray and do the things that keep you close to God. Even in our rest, we need to find our strength. Until next week..
Peace and Blessings…
(reprinted from June 2021)