Scripture Passage
John 3:22-26
This Wednesday we will begin preparing our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot that took place in the 40 days before Easter. To begin the season of Lent on this Ash Wednesday, we will discuss recognizing your purpose with Christ as we journey the road to the cross and the empty tomb.
- John had followers just as Jesus had disciples
- There was a little tension when John’s followers saw Jesus’ disciples baptizing people
- John needed his followers to understand that John had to become less and Jesus had to become more, or greater
- John needed his followers to understand three things:
- There is only one way to gain salvation and that is through Christ
- While numbers are important, and the more who are baptized the better, the main focus should be about growing close to Christ
- They needed to understand their position and purpose when it came to Christ
Recognizing Your Purpose with Christ