September 1st marks the beginning of a new church year and a change in the members serving on the Diaconate. It is very important that our members stay in touch with each other during this COVID-19 pandemic and in the transition time before a new pastor is chosen.
Our Deacon Family Ministry lists have been distributed to the Diaconate, and your deacon should be contacting you in the next few weeks. Please let him or her know the best way to maintain contact with you – by home phone (answering machine), cell phone (texting or voice mail) or email. Also let them know the best time to call.
All of our deacons have home and/or cell phones to receive messages. If you cannot get in touch with a deacon, you may contact Peggy at the church either by phone (919-781-5345) or email (cvbc@crabtreevalleybaptist.org) and she will contact your deacon. Peggy’s office hours will continue to be 9am-3pm Monday-Thursday.
If you have not completed or need to update your Emergency Contact Form, please consider providing this information to the Church Office.
We look forward to serving you, and we are counting on you to keep us aware of your needs. Please let your deacon or me know if you have prayer requests or other concerns.
Our Deacons for this year are:
Jean Glosson, Chair Peninah Brown Keith Harris
Ben Best, Vice-Chair Ellen Collins Gene Sherwood
Beth Jenkins, Secretary Barbara Goodson Iva Snyder
A special “Thank You” and appreciation to our deacons, Sue Edwards, Elizabeth Best and Whitt Stallings who are rotating off the Diaconate in August, the end of their three-year term. We are grateful for their dedication and service to our church.
We ask that you pray for us as we begin this new year in the life of our church.
Blessings, Jean Glosson
We are one in the bond of love;
We are one in the bond of love.
We have joined our spirit with the Spirit of God;
We are one in the bond of love.