This week I want to focus on the letter “I” as we continue looking at ways to grow in our relationship with God. The letter “I” stands for intercession. One way we can grow in our relationship with God is by praying for others, or interceding on their behalf to God. I wrote earlier about the importance of communication in our relationship with God. One part of this communication is interceding for others.
While communicating with God about the things we need, we must remember Jesus’ calling in our lives to think about others. Jesus made it quite clear that thinking about the needs of others was important in our relationship with Him. He showed the disciples how important it was by washing their feet to show how they were to humbly serve others. He talked with the disciples about meeting the needs of others as they were walking the dusty roads when he said “the first will be last” and the “greatest is the least.” Growing and maturing in our relationship with God is about recognizing the needs of others.
Intercessory prayer is a great way to think about those around us who have needs. There are many different kinds of needs. There are physical needs such as health and finances. There are emotional needs such as anxiety and discouragement. There are spiritual needs such as salvation and spiritual growth. Praying prayers of intercession is a wholistic type of prayer for others. It is more than just praying for what we know they need. It is praying for the things that only God knows they need, or will need. It is praying about what is taking place as well as praying for what might be coming down the road. But how does intercessory prayer help us draw closer to God?
One of the things we have been called to do is take our focus off of ourselves and put our focus on others. This can be hard to do with all we have to do each day. James 5:16 says this. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much.” Praying for one another. It is a key part of growing in Christ. The only way we can pray for one another is to understand we are all an important part of the family of God. We all have an important role when it comes to serving God and being the church God has called us to be. If we are going to be able to do this, we must pray for one another. We must lift each other up in prayer and ask God to meet our needs. Physical needs, emotional needs and spiritual needs. All of us have needs and we all must do our part to intercede for others so can grow together in Christ. Until next week…
Peace and Blessings…