Well, we did it. We were able to enjoy 40 days of focus as we celebrated Easter and the risen Lord. I want to take time in my article to thank you for reading the devotions and for the kind and encouraging words you have shared about them. I enjoyed writing them and helping us all get ready for this special time of year. I also wanted to thank you for your attendance at the Good Friday service. It was a special service and your attendance and participation made it even more special. To Risa, Cheryl, Beth, Elizabeth, Yilong, Barbara and Ben, the service could not have been what it was without your help. There’s an awful lot that goes on “behind the scenes” to make a service successful and you did an amazing job. Thank you so much for your help.
So, what do we do now? Once we have focused on the cross and celebrated His resurrection, what do we do? Do we just start thinking about the next holiday, or next big project we have to do? I think we can do that, but I believe there is something the Bible tells us we need to do. In the story of Christ’s resurrection in Matthew, chapter 28 and verses 6-7, the women have come to see Jesus in the tomb. An angel meets them and tells the women to not be afraid. He tells them that Jesus was not in the tomb. He had risen. But that’s not all he tells them. He tells them to do two things. In verse 6 he tells them to “come and see”. He invited them to look in the tomb to see for themselves that Jesus had indeed risen. He thought it was important for them to experience the risen Lord. The other things he tells them to do is to “go and tell”. (V:7) They needed to go and tell the disciples that Jesus had risen. He wanted them to be a witness of their experience at the empty tomb.
What he wanted them to do is important for us to do as well. We have done the first part. We have experienced the cross and the empty tomb. We did not experience it as they did, but we worshiped on Good Friday and we celebrated on Easter Sunday. We know, through our faith, that Jesus is alive. He is not in the tomb. We celebrate His resurrection! But we have to go further than just celebrating it. We need to then share it. We, too, need to “go and tell”. We need to tell others about the risen Lord. His resurrection was not just for us, but for the world. Just as His death was for the world, His resurrection and victory over death is for the world. It is for everyone to know that we can have power over death. It is important for others to know we have the hope of eternal life through the cross and His resurrection. He is alive! Come and see, go and tell. Until next week…
Peace and Blessings… Johnny