Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “How’s Your Vision” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from 2 Chronicles 26:1-5; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker. Getting an eye exam
The Scariest Word I Know
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Scariest Word I Know” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Joshua 7:1-9; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker. Of all the words
Sing Praise to the Lord
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Sing Praise to the Lord” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Psalm 135:1-3; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker. Singing is a
Recognizing the Need
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Recognizing the Need” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Mark 7:24-26; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker.
What Does God Expect of Me?
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “What Does God Expect of Me?” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Mark 12:28-34; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker.
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Offering” given by guest speaker Kim Wyatt; including scriptures from Romans 12:1-13; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker. Today we welcome Kim Wyatt as our guest
The Real Meaning of the Empty Tomb
Video Summary An Easter Celebration service featuring special music on piano, organ, trumpet and violin with Easter message “The Real Meaning of the Empty Tomb” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from 1 Corinthians 15:12-19; and music
Good Friday Service of Silence and Meditation
Video Summary We welcome you to this service of silence and meditation led by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards. On this Good Friday, we remember the love of our Lord and Savior that sent Him to the cross to die
From Cheering to Death
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “From Cheering to Death” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Luke 19:28-39; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker with guest performers Greg Logan
The Seven Last Words of Christ: Victory
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Seven Last Words of Christ: Victory” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from John 19:28-30; and music performed by pianist Cheryl Walker. When thinking of sports, two words