Some of the most special times in the life of CVBC happen from 6:30-7:15 on Wednesday night. At that time we pray for others and engage in Bible study through sharing with each other. If you have not experienced how

Some of the most special times in the life of CVBC happen from 6:30-7:15 on Wednesday night. At that time we pray for others and engage in Bible study through sharing with each other. If you have not experienced how
I hope that you are being faithful to the invitation of this Lent season to pause and reflect and repent and discern what it is you feel led to give up so that you might gain more of Christ in
Wednesday of this week begins one of the most sacred and special seasons of the Christian calendar—the 40 day period known as Lent. It begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. It is a season designed
“I press on toward the goal to win the prize.” The words are the Apostle Paul’s and they are written from a jail cell of all places. Pressing on. Sometimes it is as ordinary and daily as that. The Christian
I am currently reading for the second time a book I highly recommend— Practicing the Way—by John Mark Comer. I hope you will purchase it for your own spiritual growth. Just last night I read these words in which he
I like investments that bring huge returns. I bet you do too. That’s why I’m investing a mere two hours this Saturday in order to allow huge returns to take place. I’m talking about the Valentine Bingo Youth Party this
It happened Sunday during worship. It doesn’t happen every Sunday and I don’t expect it to. But I keep coming because I never know when it will happen—-the Spirit showing up and capturing me and lifting me to some higher
I’ve said for years that February is my least favorite month. It just seems like winter is never going to end and by the end of February I’m ready for a change of temperature. My sermon series is about living
Have you had your annual physical? I hope so for taking care of your body is part of what it means to being faithful to God’s creation in you. I’ve often heard it said and know it to be true—
The angels predicted it at His birth— “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY!” And then Jesus fulfilled it—“I have come that you may know JOY and that your JOY may be complete.” JOY—to receive Christ in your