A hesitation to believe; to be uncertain about; to consider questionable or unlikely; a distrust or suspicion. All of these are definitions of doubt. We all have experienced these feelings about someone or something that has occurred. But in order
We continue to look at words of encouragement that can help us draw closer to God as we look at the letter “E” and the word is encourage. You may wonder how the word encourage can help us grow in
Qualified in God’s Eyes
While thumbing through a copy of “Our Daily Bread,” I came across this devotional, “Qualified in God’s Eyes,” written by Jennifer Benson Schuldt. Intrigued by the title, I began to read the article. We always view our abilities (and limitations)
Celebrating 50 Years
Celebrations are exciting! Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries are important milestones in our lives. Did you know that Crabtree Valley Baptist Church celebrated a big milestone recently? April fourth is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the church constitution, the
The Future Is Now
We are witnessing in our lifetimes many of the End times Biblical prophecies coming to pass. It has been astonishing and shocking as we proceed forward. But we more than ever need to be comforted in God’s Word and in
Palm Sunday
The Lord’s entry into Jerusalem took place at the height of His fame just before the greatest of Israel’s national festivals, the Passover, which corresponds to our Easter. We all know Palm Sunday as the time of Jesus’ triumphal entry
Have Faith, Spring is Coming!
In the dead of the Winter, God, I’m gardening. I don’t doubt the outcome because I learned at your knee to live in faith, knowing that Spring will come. Then, with Solomon, I will rejoice. “See! Winter is past…flowers appear
The JOY of Giving
If you are anything like me, it’s difficult to see a new year on a calendar without doing some reflection. Wow! What a year 2020 was! Like many people, unfortunately, I have also had the feelings of being overwhelmed, along
Be Strong and Courageous
Had you ever heard of the medical term CoVid 19 one year ago? Did you ever think we would be experiencing this type of pandemic in the years, 2020 and 2021. Do you remember other epidemics or pandemics in history?
What a year it has been. I am so impressed by CVBC coming together as a church community to overcome the challenges the pandemic has brought upon us. We have found ways to still stay connected during these hard times.