One of my favorite authors is Gordon MacDonald, pastor, prolific writer of over 24 books, popular public speaker, educator and faithful servant of God. If you are looking for good books to read, books that inspire and challenge you, books
Love One Another
Webster defines the word “Fellowship” as “companionship, friendly association, a mutual sharing, a group of people with the same interest, brotherhood. The Church is all of that and more. The Apostle Paul’s favorite metaphor of the church is
Prayer Power!
Prayer Power – It’s a subject that has been on my mind for weeks now. When I was asked several months ago to speak at the Sunday Night Vesper Service at Springmoor January 27, I began asking God, “What shall
Preparing for Worship
I have a Sunday night routine to jump-start my week. After watching the news, I retreat to my study to pray, work on the worship program for the next Sunday and write my weekly article for the church newsletter “Thought
Blessings From God
“How do you describe the beautiful sunset reflecting golden rays on the black waters which reflect like a mirror? How do you describe the still quiet of a jungle so thick you can’t see beyond its edge? There is an
Life’s Detours
“Church Signs,” a 2019, desk calendar I received for Christmas posts a daily saying taken from selected church signs across the nation. The January 4th saying caught my attention and gave me pause to meditate and think on its message.
Facing the New Year with Faith
When God called Abram to leave his country, his people and his household and “go to a place I will show you,” Abram did not have a clue as to where God was going to lead him, what he would
More snow fell in North Carolina in one day (December 9) than normally falls in an entire year. Meteorologists are saying, “It has never happened like that before.” As we approach Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Jesus
Christmas Traditions
It is interesting how Christmas Traditions begin in a family and endure through the years. The one I want to share with you started because of a man who hated the commercial side of Christmas. He was fine with the
Celebrating Christmas
There is no mention in the Bible of the Date of Jesus Birth. As best we can determine, it didn’t even occur to early Christians that they should celebrate His Birthday. The fact is that the Baptism of Jesus was