An article in “The Atlantic Daily” caught my attention as anything Brazilian always does. You don’t live in a country 14 years without having an interest in what goes on there. I was attracted to the article because of the
Where Was God In All of This?”
Once again a catastrophic hurricane with almost unbelievable, devastating force has left billions of dollars of damage, thousands homeless, untold numbers dead, inconsolable survivors overwhelmed with grief, many injured without immediate medical attention, others trapped without water, food or shelter
Good Things are Happening
Excitement has been building as we anticipate Greg Buchanan’s concert this coming Sunday, September 8, at 3pm in our church sanctuary. Greg is a world class harpist who has inspired audiences across the nation with his marvelous gift of music.
Tell Others and Give God the Glory!
The first lines of the three stanzas of Clara H. Scott’s hymn “Open My Eyes, That I May See” go like this: Open my eyes, that I may see glimpses of truth Thou hast for me. Open my ears, that
Without Jesus, We Will Never Be Content
You may not have all that you want but do you have all that you need? The insatiable desire to have more and more things is a sure indication that at the core of your being there is an emptiness
Connecting with Crabtree Valley Baptist
If for some reason you miss a worship service, just remember, you really don’t have to miss it at all. Thanks to the work of Yilong & Elizabeth our services are recorded each Sunday and by midweek are available to
Mormon Temple Tour
Every now and then a rare, unique or extraordinary experience opens up to us. We take advantage of it or miss it altogether. When such an opportunity comes along, we are usually glad we took advantage of it. If we
Sailing Through Life
In my journal last Thursday while vacationing in the sparsely populated area east of Brooksville, Maine, on the beautiful Penobscot Bay, I wrote: “The early morning and late evening silence of Ocean Garden is simply amazing. No sound of crickets,
Life’s Detours
I have learned from Gordon MacDonald’s writings that in India life is seen in four phases: “The first is the phase of the student where one sets out to learn all he can from the wise men. Second, is the
Updates for the Upcoming Week
Cheryl Walker and Andy Garcia will leave for Guatemala on Thursday, July 18, as part of a mission team with First Baptist Church, Wilmington, NC. This will be Cheryl’s 6th trip and Andy’s 2nd. Their mission will be to share