Wednesday of this week begins one of the most sacred and special seasons of the Christian calendar—the 40 day period known as Lent. It begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. It is a season designed to prepare you for the ultimate celebration of Resurrection on Easter morning. Lent provides an opportunity to dedicate oneself to a specific period of time to focus on the 3 R’s—reflection, repentance, and reconciliation.

I find it to be a uniquely special opportunity to daily walk through my journey of faith and focus on my relationship to Christ in a spirit of humility and honesty and confession. Many people decide to give up something for Lent with the hopes it is more than just giving up your favorite candy bar or TV show or meal out.

I encourage you to discern your own path during this holy season. Search for an online daily devotional and daily give attention to what God may be saying to you at this time in your life. 40 days—it is the length of time Jesus spent in the wilderness preparing for His ministry. For you it can be, as it is for me, a time of honesty before God in such a manner that it brings renewed life and joy for the journey that culminates in Easter.

This is your opportunity. Forty days, make the most of it. Happy and honest Lent to all!

Brave Journey,