This Sunday is a special day as we set aside Lib Gordon to the ministry of deacon. This is a critical position of ministry that stands alongside the pastor in ministering to the church family. I recall the words a pastor friend of mine wrote about one of his deacons, Frank Covey. “You can’t talk about Frank or Helen Covery without talking about the things they do for other people. Their lives have been consumed in ministry to anyone who was in need.—anything from repairing a porch for a shut-in to helping staff members move into their new homes..

In the course of our conversation, he shared what Helen had said about the last moments and hours of the way Frank had spent his last morning. He had asked Helen to buy Valentines for the families for whom he was responsible in our Deacon Family Ministry Program. That morning, Frank wrote each of those families informing them of his desire to minister to them during the next three years of his term on the Body of Deacons Knowing Frank, those were not empty words. He would have done just that. Frank blessed me through his ministry of helpfulness. Additionally, I realized that Frank was not alone in ministering to the needs of others. Others of you serve your Master by serving “his brethren.” May God raise up more Frank and Helen Coveys in our midst.”

It is my prayer for our church as well. We all have a ministry. This Sunday we will recognize and celebrate that special calling.

Brave Journey, Bill