I was out of town all last week visiting my daughter in Florida, so forgive me for being slow to say a hearty “thank you” for first of all, singing Happy Birthday to me in worship, and second of all, sending me off with a bag of my favorite snacks. As soon as I opened the bag I knew someone had obviously been talking to Kathy. I happen to think Diet Mt Dews and Nacho Cheese Doritos may very well be what is served at the Heavenly Banquet one day. And chocolate will be right there with it.

Seriously, it seems to come as a surprise to some people that ministers are humans. I loved being sung to, and loved being part of a church that wanted to do that. As the old saying goes, “The days are long, but the years are short.” I’m not sure what to think of being 69 years old. Some days I feel 9 years old and others 109, but God has given me everything that matters. I love the saying–“Rich is not what you have. It is who you have beside you.’ I am of all things rich beyond all deserving and one of the most special gifts this past year is to add the good people of Crabtree Valley to my company of treasures.

So THANK YOU for abundant gifts, for singing to me, and for sending me off with goodies that won’t last long. I enjoyed my birthday with my youngest daughter and wife but you gave me a headstart and I love you for it.

May we all pause long enough to consider the journey of our lives and how richly blessed we are.

Brave Journey, Bill