Thought for the Week

Luciano Pavarotti, the famous opera star, almost missed his calling. As a young man, he taught elementary school and sang only occasionally. But there were certain individuals that made a difference in his life.  His Grandmother would hold him in her lap when he was a little boy and say, “You’re going to be great, you’ll see.” His Father, recognizing the quality of his voice, encouraged him to develop his talent. A voice teacher took time to teach him the proper use of his voice. Friends pitched in to encourage him to pursue a career in music.

The turning point in someone’s life may be a word of encouragement from you. Make it a point to see the good in others, to encourage them to be their best and do their best. The world has too many voices of doom and gloom. It is easier to find fault than it is see the good.

I read of a professor who gave each student in his class a sheet of paper. On each piece of paper there was a small black dot. He asked the class to write an essay on what they saw. All of the students in the class except one wrote about the black dot on the paper. One student saw the white paper and wrote on the challenges of the unlimited possibilities of life.

The world needs a voice of encouragement. Someone you know, in your family, in your work place, at church, needs a word of encouragement. Help people around you achieve their full potential by giving them a word of encouragement. Your positive word can make a difference in the life of someone. What you say can be a turning point in their life.

In His Love,


Everyone Needs Encouragement