I have always felt that maybe the one most important question to ask of a church is this—-“If the church shut its doors would the surround community notice any difference?”

I mention that because one of the reasons CVBC can answer in the affirmative is the Hope Food Pantry ministry that serves others every week. The need for food supplies is ever increasing and as such, I am pleased that in the church conference Sunday it was voted to take up a love offering every first Sunday of the month to support this vital ministry.

Some history if you will. The Hope Pantry ministry began in the Spring of 2009. It changed from twice a week to weekly April 1, 2017. So far this year it has served 802 family members.

Think about that—802 people! Provided by a church that averages just over 30 people in worship on Sunday. I commend you for multiplying your offerings, your time, and your generosity to truly make a difference in our community. I invite you and encourage you to give a love offering this Sunday and every first Sunday. You are making a difference!

Other highlights from church conference:
• The budget for 2025 was presented and approved.
• There will be a guest fellowship time in the fellowship hall this
Sunday at 10:00am for those who have been visiting our church recently.
• Saturday afternoon December 14 there will be a Bingo Game
Fun Time to support youth ministries
• The Christmas Cantata will be December 15 at 4:00pm.

Finally, don’t forget to turn your clocks back this weekend!

Brave Journey, Bill