It has been a whirlwind. Last Wednesday night at almost midnight Beth and I decided that it would be best for me to withdraw from the process in Roanoke. There had been old Baptist battles that seemed to be finding new life in their conversation with me. It became clear that they needed to work through some pretty big issues before they welcomed a new Associational Missions Strategist (DOM). We felt (and feel) good about the decision, but it meant that several things needed to happen in a very short window of time. We had already sold our town home and the movers were scheduled to come and pick up our belongs on that Saturday to put them in storage for a month so we could meet the time need of the buyers and set ourselves up for a move to Virginia a month later. So, now we needed to find a home and rent it in one day. The problem was that the rental market is not designed to function that quickly. They need to schedule viewings, process applications, and do credit checks. It seemed that everyone needed 7 to 10 days to make it work. Well, our need was immediate and for almost everyone that was a practical impossibility.
We reached out to a realtor friend who had helped us sell our home (in one day) and who had been a vital prayer partner with me for months. He went to work. He found us a house in Cary that we could look at. It was perfect for our need, but needed some TLC. Our friend worked with the leasing agent and after some begging, pleading and promises, he agreed that if we would handle some issues with the house, he would work with us. We prayed, God and God’s people moved and I am now writing you from the covered front porch of our new home.
God’s people continued to step up and step in with us. Some helped us deal with last minute moving issues at our town home and assisted the movers in getting some needed items from our storage unit. Another showed up with food and spent hours helping us pull items out of boxes. A painter we needed had a client push back a project and dove right in to help us. Another vend0r changed his scheduled and power washed the house on Saturday evening. When Beth called AT&T and with a single day’s notice they sent a tech to set up our internet and TVs. Right now, my sister is helping get the flower bed in front of our house in order. Two friends are coming over tonight to help me take care of a couple of small projects in the house. In 72 hours, our world changed – we prayed -God moved – and God’s people dove in and lent a heart and hand.
I share this story with you because this past Sunday we talked about being a people of testimony. Today I want you to hear that our testimony is not only what God has done in our lives, but equally what God is doing in our lives. As we stand in the shadows of Easter and celebrate God’s great love for us – we can be equally sure that God loves us and is at work in our lives. You have heard my story. What is yours?
Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. (1 Chronicles 16:8 NIV)
Grace and Peace, Tom