The music ministry of Risa Poniros is a special blessing to our congregation. Our choir loves Risa. Our congregation loves Risa. She has made a difference at Crabtree Valley Baptist Church. Her gifted soprano voice and exceptional talent to bring out the best in our choir and congregational singing lifts our spirit and enhances our worship experience.
Next Sunday afternoon, February 25, at 3pm, Risa and Cheryl Walker will be in Concert with a program entitled “Make a Joyful Noise”. They have worked hard to bring us a program that will not be just entertaining but inspiring. We are asking each of our members to spread the news about the concert, make telephone calls, send e-mails, encourage friends and neighbors to attend and even provide transportation if needed to assure a significant repose.
“Make a Joyful Noise” is the first in a series of concerts that Risa has put together for 2018, at Crabtree Valley Baptist Church. Future concerts include Wendel Werner of Knoxville, Tennessee on April 15, 2018. Wendel is an active composer, director, recording artist, teacher and performer and was named “Composer of the Year” by the Tennessee Piano Teachers Association. The concert on June 10, 2018, will feature Ed Stephenson and the Paco Band which should delight lovers of Spanish music. On October 7, the Three Triangle Tenors namely George Deaton, Wade Henderson and Timothy Sparks will return by popular demand along with pianist Catherine Hamner.
We are very fortunate to have such a distinguished line up of concerts this year. We hope that you will do everything you can to spread the word about these special programs. Again, our deep appreciation to Risa, not only for sharing her talent but also for bringing us the best of the gifted artists.
In His Love,