On September 7, 2017, just over 3 years ago, Dr. Z and his family arrived from Iraq and moved into the Welcome House just down the street. We had partnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship to convert our unused youth house into temporary housing for refugees. During the past 3 years, about 200 people have stayed there. Some only stayed a few days, others for several weeks, but all appreciated the safe house and our hospitality.
Just recently, CBF North Carolina voted to make the Welcome House Community Network their official mission project. Now they hope to expand this project throughout the whole state and beyond.
Over a four-day period, October 9–12, CBFNC Executive Coordinator Larry Hovis and a small cycling team will ride over 200 miles from the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway ending in Raleigh at CVBC. Proceeds raised will be used to provide seed grants to churches throughout the state to start new Welcome House ministries. The goal is to raise $10,000 so that WHCN can provide five new ministry grants.
Our house has been a blessing for many people and an example for other churches. I am excited about the possibility of having more places to help people in need. We have a chance to repay the CBF for the grant they gave us as we started renovations and help enlarge the network by donating to this cause. All the money collected will be used to help other churches set up Welcome Houses in their communities.
If you would like to be a part of this Welcome House expansion, we will be collecting donations until October 11. Checks can be written to CVBC, with a note “for WH network”. Let’s continue to provide for strangers in need of a safe place to stay.
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me…Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it to me.” Matthew 25:35 & 40
Barbara Best
Welcome House Hospitality Committee
You can follow Larry and his Welcome Ride team as they bike from the mountains to Raleigh on CBFNC’s Facebook page; https://www.facebook.com/cbfnc/