• Vacation Bible School 2024

    Vacation Bible School 2024

    VBS 2024: Wednesday afternoons: June 19, July 3, 10, 31 and August 7 from 12 Noon-3 PM. Open to all children 4 years old through 5th grade. This summer for VBS, we will learn about all the things God created for us. Our key verse will be Genesis 1:1. Each week will cover one aspect…

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Check out what we’ve done in the past.

  • 2021 VBS: The Life of Joseph

    This year, we followed the life of Joseph from the book of Genesis and learned how God protected and helped him. Videos filmed by the Youth helped us remember the events. Our stories about Joseph included his special robe and

  • 2019 VBS: God’s Amazing Animals

    God’s Amazing Animals was the Bible School theme for this summer. As we learned about animals, we related their characteristics to the way God cares for us. As we watched caterpillars change into butterfies, we discussed how God can transform

  • 2018 VBS: Lessons From Daniel

    2018 VBS: Lessons From Daniel

    This summer, we studied the life of Daniel. Our focus verse for the week was from Isaiah 41:10, “Don’t be afraid, I am with you, says the Lord.” Our 4 stories about Daniel followed his life after he was taken

VBS in review: What a week we had!

Last year’s VBS was a great success. We focused on the Parables of Jesus, such as the mustard seed, building a house on a good foundation,and the Good Samaritan. After learning about the shepherd and his lost sheep, we had a farm zoo with sheep, goats and bunnies visit for pictures and petting.

Learning about the world with experiments shows us the way God put together everything. Craft projects such as tie-dying and painting t shirts make fun ways to remember Bible verses and VBS.

Dan the Animal Man always brings the Gospel message while showing us his amazing creatures, like this owl! As he talks about the animals, he reminds us that God perfectly designed each animal to survive and thrive in their environment and that people have a responsibility to take care of God’s creation.

Plus, we can’t ever forget how cute watching and petting the chicks can be, and a reminder that
God gives us life!
