The world we live in is changing hour by hour as the spread of the Coronavirus grows more serious. By Executive order, Governor Roy Cooper, declared a state of emergency on March 11, and urged organizations to cancel or postpone events drawing 100 or more people. Now the CDC recommends organizations cancel or postpone events with 50 people or more for 8 weeks. As of Monday morning, March 16, massive shutdowns are occurring across the nation and world.
At CVBC, our priority is the health of our membership which is in the highest risk category. The Deacons met Sunday afternoon, March 15, with strict social distancing, to address our response to the crisis. There are positive things that we can and must do to protect ourselves.
- Strictly observe all recommended hygiene procedures.
- Pray for each other, health professionals and first responders who risk their lives to help us, those who have been diagnosed with the virus and their families, etc.
- For communication – use the telephone, email, text, mail. Report any serious illnesses of concerns to the Pastor, Family Deacon or Church Office.
- Maintain church office hours 9 -3pm Monday – Thursday, weekly newsletter, up-dates by email, telephone and internet video.
- Isolate ourselves from public contact as much as possible.
- Encourage all church members to mail tithes and offerings to the church at PO Box 30954, Raleigh, NC 27622 or bring offerings to the church during office hours.
- At home – increase our devotional life by reading the Bible, praying, using devotional material such as “Our daily Bread,” On our web site, read or reread “Thought for the Week”. Watch videos of past worship services. View podcasts or broadcasts of area churches such as Hayes Barton Baptist Church” etc.
The Deacons voted unanimously to:
- Cancel worship, prayer meeting and all activities of the church for one month with hope that we can have worship on Easter Sunday. Cancel Maundy Thursday Service and the Easter Sunrise Service at Ral. Mem. Park
- Hope Pantry will be open on regular schedule each Wednesday to serve those in need.
- Cancel use of our church building by outside groups.
- Funerals and receptions will be limited to family only.
- Ask Properties Committee to have the church “Deep Cleaned and Sanitized” prior to reentering building for worship and activities.
Tough times call for tough decisions. The steps we are taking are painful and cut against the desires of our heart. But we must do everything within our power to stop the spread of this deadly virus. Your understanding, support, cooperation and prayers are deeply appreciated.
In His Love, Charles