The words “thus far” are like a hand pointing in the direction of the past. Whether through poverty, wealth, sickness or health, whether at home or abroad, or on land, sea, or air and whether in honor, dishonor, difficulties, joy, trials, prayer or temptation – Thus far has the Lord helped.
We always enjoy looking down a long road lined with beautiful trees. The trees are a delightful sight and seem to be forming a temple of planes, with strong wooden pillars and arches of leaves. In the same way you look down a beautiful road like this, why not look back on the road of the years of your life? Look at the large green limbs of God’s mercy overhead and the strong pillars of His loving kindness and faithfulness that have brought you much joy. Do you see any birds singing in the branches? If you look closely, surely you will see many, for they are singing of God’s mercy received “thus far.”
Those words also point forward. Someone who comes to a certain point and writes the words “thus far” realizes he has not yet come to the end of the road and that he still has some distance to travel. There will be more trials, joys, temptations, battles, defeats, victories, prayers, answers, toils and strength yet to come. These are then followed by sickness, old age, disease, and death.
Then is life over after death? No! These are still yet to come: arising in the likeness of Jesus, thrones, harps and the singing of psalms, being “clothed in white garments” (Rev. 3:5), seeing the face of Jesus, and sharing fellowship with the saints; and experiencing the glory of God, the fullness of eternity, and infinite joy. So dear believer, “be strong and take heart” (Psalm 27:14) and with thanksgiving and confidence, lift up your voice in praise for: The Lord who “thus far” has helped you, will help you all your journey through.
When the words “thus far” are read in heaven’s light, what glorious and miraculous prospects they reveal to our grateful eyes. Charles H. Spurgeon
Taken from “Streams in the Desert” Daily Devotional Readings by L.B.Cowman
Submitted by Peninah Brown