This is the time of year that the church elects Deacons. The word “Deacon” comes from the Greek noun “diakonos” which occurs 29 times in the New Testament and is most commonly translated “servant”.
In Baptist Churches Deacons assist the Pastor in ministering to the church family. Their duties range from assisting with the Lord’s Supper to helping to meet the needs of the congregation in times of sickness, death, trauma or other needs that may arise. Deacons are spiritual leaders along with the Pastor. At CVBC Deacons evaluate the needs of the church and make recommendations accordingly. The final decision rests in the hands of the church body. The qualification for Deacons is spelled out in Acts 6:1-6.
It is important that those who serve as Deacons be active members of the church, set an example in church attendance, tithe their income, live good moral lives, and in every way build up the ministry of the church.
Church members are asked to submit nominations for at least 5 deacons to serve the congregation. Nomination forms are provided in the Narthex of the church and all nominations must be made by Sunday, August 13. Only church members can make nominations and nomination forms must be signed to validate that a church member has made the nomination. Confidentiality of the nomination by the Pastor and Chairman of Deacons will be strictly observed. Once the nominations are in, the Pastor and Chairperson of the Deaconate will contact those who have been nominated. The names of those who agree to serve will be presented to the church body in a called Business meeting now scheduled for August 27 following Morning Worship.
Please keep in mind that currently serving Deacons and those who are rotating off are not eligible for nomination at this time. Please check the information sheet available in the Narthex to verify those who are rotating off and those who are currently serving.
Prayerfully make you nomination and place it in the box provided in the Narthex by the end of next Sunday’s Worship.
In His love, Charles