Two cherished devotional books in my library are “Morning and Evening” by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, known as “The Prince of Preachers” of whom it is said, “he preached out of the overflow of his devotional life.” And a devotional classic, “A Diary of Private Prayer” which came out of the prayer life of John Baillie, an esteemed Scottish Theologian and educator. Both devotional books provide solid spiritual food for morning and evening meditation. A third daily devotional aid that will stretch your mind and challenge you to a deeper experience with God is “My Utmost for His Highest,” by Oswald Chambers, founder and Principal of the Bible Training College in Clapham, London.
If you have interest in deepening your relationship with God, these books are ones that you will want own, read and return to time and again. I use them regularly and highly recommend them to you.
Last Sunday, I preached on “Feed Your Soul” and next Sunday I will bring a message entitled, “In Times Like These”. Convinced that our greatest need in these troubled days is a closer walk with God, I want to challenge you to join me in digging deeper into God’s Word, practicing the presence of God in our daily life, and seeking ways to make the most of our time for the Glory of God.
It is most like God to bring good out of bad situations. The Good News is that God can use you and me to do just that in today’s circumstances. We can make a difference in the lives of others with God’s help. In one of his prayers John Baillie prayed, “Let my life today be the channel through which some little portion of Thy divine love and pity may reach the lives that are nearest to my own.” We may not be in a position to change the world, but with a deeper walk with God, perhaps we can make a difference in the lives of our little circle of influence. If by our devotion to God we can help and encourage just one other person to have a more intimate relationship with God, we will not have lived in vain.
By recommending the three devotional books mentioned above, understand that the first and primary source of our spiritual food is the Bible, God’s Holy Word. Whatever you do, begin with God’s Word. Feed upon it first and then benefit from the spiritual insight of others. God’s Word, as the Psalmist declares is “A lamp for my feet, a light on my path,” (Psalm 119:105). He also said, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11).
In His Love,