This Wednesday evening, I will close my time with you. We will finish our short look at the Lord’s Prayer. I am thankful for my weeks with you. You are a good and loving church family. This week I leave

The task seemed daunting, even overwhelming. Against a wall in my garage were fourteen moving boxes filled with pictures. Some were in frames and others in photo albums, but the vast majority were unsorted. I thought I knew what awaited

Away Yet Closer

Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Away Yet Closer” given by Guest Preacher Rev. Jim Keating; including scriptures from Acts 1:1-14, Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.  

On Sunday morning we looked at what the Apostle Paul had to say to the young church in Corinth about God working in our weakness. We are most comfortable talking about our strengths, our gifts, and our talents. We can

In my first word to you, I let you know that I would be with you for three weeks. The deacons have now asked me to extend through the end of May, with the exception of one week when someone