“Missions” has long been at the heart of what we do at Crabtree Valley Baptist Church. Throughout the year, we are on mission. Through “Hope Pantry” we are weekly providing food for those in need. Through our Benevolence Fund we help people in time of emergencies. Our support of Welcome House Raleigh is a first response to those who come to America seeking a new life and refuge from life-threatening environments.
The enthusiasm with which we cooperate with Church World Services and prepare hygiene kits for victims of hurricanes, floods, fires and other disasters is a rewarding mission effort. We financially support the work of the Raleigh Baptist Association and the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. We maintain our own church facilities and programs through our weekly tithes and offerings. The Shoe Box and Angel Tree Ministries touch the lives of children and families that need an emotional and spiritual lift in the Holiday Season.
Add to these significant expressions of love the Global Missions Offering and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering which support missionaries sent out by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and The Southern Baptist Convention. As a church member, when you share your experience with Jesus with someone, when you visit the sick, invite someone to Bible Study, Sunday School or Worship, when you give a word of encouragement or go out of your way to help someone in need, you are serving Christ. You can rejoice that CVBC is on mission for Jesus Christ at home, across the USA and around the world. We are truly a “Little Church with a Big Heart” and we give thanks for the privilege of being a part of something that is so much bigger than we are.
Our mission interest and involvement is all for the Glory of God, for the expansion of his Kingdom and in obedience to our Lord who commissioned us to go into all the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The Bible says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV). Thank you members and friends of Crabtree Valley Baptist Church for your service and generosity in giving.
In His Love,