Have you seen the Charlie Brown Cartoon in which Linus says, “I think the world is so much better today than it was five years ago.” To which Charlie Brown says, “No! How can you say that? Don’t you read the papers? Don’t you watch TV? The world is going to the dogs. How can you say it is a better place today than it was five years ago?” And Linus replies, “Of course the world’s a better place than it was five years ago. I’m in it now!
Is the world a better place because you are in it? Is Crabtree Valley Baptist Church a better church because you are in it? I pray that it is so. You see, each one of us has the potential to make this world and this church a better place.
You make the world and church a better place by keeping a positive attitude, encouraging others, being helpful to your fellowman, serving the Lord with joy and saying, “Here I am Lord, use me.” You contribute to the good of the world and the church every time you meet a need or dry a tear. When you live humbly before the Lord with honor and integrity you make a difference in someone’s life.
As we share together the ministry that God has given us at Crabtree Valley Baptist Church and as we join God in the work that he is doing, we can say, “The world and my church is a better place because I’m in it. And to God be the Glory!
In His Love,
Charles Allard
(copied from July 13, 2015)