Do you like to read? I read a little now and then. The book has to be very interesting and a page-turner to keep my attention. I seem to read in “spurts”. There are so many other hobbies to be interested in as well, so sometimes my reading goes lacking.
Recently, I have read a wonderful little book called “When God Winks At You: How God speaks directly to you through the power of coincidence”. I heard about this book on ABC TV when Kathy Lee Gifford was promoting it on a morning show. It sounded so interesting, I went out and purchased the book. I was not disappointed.
SQuire Rushnell is the author of this “Godwinks” book plus several more “Godwinks” books which are all best-sellers. The letter Q in his first name is not a typographical error, but is capitalized in each place listed in this book. So I guess he was named SQuire for some reason we don’t know.
A coincidence, sometimes small and seeming insignificant, may change your day or even your life. Is God communicating with you? This book shows that God does communicate with us in little “winks” sometimes. We should look for these messages, “winks”, from God. Accounts of everyday and famous people such as Billy Graham, Tim Conway, Don Knotts and Rudolph Guiliana have received “winks” from God. Think about the “winks” you have received from Him. I imagine I will read this book again sometime.
SQuire Rushnell says, “When God winks, He is reaffirming that there is absolutely nothing about us that He does not know — our every hurt, our every desire. And that to me is very affirming.”
Gene Sherwood