Feed Your Mind

One of my favorite authors is Gordon MacDonald, pastor, prolific writer of over 24 books, popular public speaker, educator and faithful servant of God. If you are looking for good books to read, books that inspire and challenge you, books with solid, down to earth, practical, thought provoking, spiritually uplifting, insightful illustrations that speak to the heart, read Gordon MacDonald.

Three of his books, “Ordering Your Private World,” Renewing Your Spiritual Passion,” and “Rebuilding Your Broken World,”  have been compiled into one volume and is entitled “Restoring Joy”  New Copies of this edition are harder to find  but the separate books are available from bookstores and Amazon.com  I get no commission for my recommendation.  I do however get joy and pleasure for being able to recommend reading material that has been a special blessing to me.

MacDonald’s books are theologically sound, easy to read, easy to understand and filled with the kind of practical advice that we all need if we are serious about growing spiritually, getting our life and priorities in order and deepening our relationship with God. You can google the name Gordon MacDonald and find the entire list of his writings.

Some of my Pastor friends have been telling me that they are watching less TV and devoting more time to reading.  I am trying to do the same. There is truth in the saying, “You are what you eat” In other words, if you want to be healthy, pay attention to what you eat. The experts will tell you that “nutrients from the foods you eat provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every little cell in your body, from your skin and hair to your muscles, bones, digestive and immune systems.”

In like manner, If you want to be spiritually healthy, loving and serving the Lord with all your mind, heart, soul and strength, consider what you watch on TV, the books  and magazines you read, the movies you see. Nutrients from what you feed your mind impact every little cell of your being.  Proverbs, the book of Wisdom in the Old Testament says, “Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge.” (Proverbs 23:12). The Apostle Paul writes, “Whatever things are true,.. noble… just…pure…lovely…of good report…meditate on these things.” (Philippians 4:8) Beware! Take note! Pay attention! You will become what you feed into your mind!

In His Love,


Feed Your Mind