During the past 6 months and throughout this year, our challenge is to “Continue in Prayer”. I believe that you are doing just that. Over the past few months new faces have appeared in our worship services. Five new members have joined the church. We gather with joy and enthusiasm to worship and fellowship together. When worship and Bible Study are over no one is in a hurry to leave. That is a good sign. Attendance at our Wednesday Evening Bible Study remains in the 20’s and has reached as high as 27. Members seem to be recruiting others to attend our services and when new people arrive they are cordially welcomed. We had a great concert this past Sunday with Ed Stephenson and the Paco Band. They are an extremely talented group. Thanks for all the recruiting you did to invite people to attend. We had 89 people present. There is a “sweet, sweet spirit in this place. To God be the Glory.
For all the reasons above, I challenge you “CONTINUE IN PRAYER”. For the concerns that I now bring to your attention, “Continue in Prayer”.
As I reported last week, the witness of Christianity and of the Baptist Faith has been deeply wounded by top Baptist leadership. Those who have let us down and disgraced themselves need our prayers. Pray for them. Pray that the outside world will not judge all Baptist Leaders and our Baptist Faith by the highly publicized conduct of a few. Pray that all Christians will “stop, look, and listen” before they engage in inappropriate conduct. Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to dwell within us and guide us so that we can be a positive witness for our Lord.
Pray that steps will be taken by our Government to reunite prospective immigrant parents and more than 1000 children who have been separated from each other by ill-conceived actions of people in authority. What is being done to these children is evil and does not reflect the values of the United States of America. Nor do these actions in any way, shape or form reflect Christian values. Express your opinions to your congressmen by phone, e-mail or letter.
A major summit is going on this week in Singapore between the President of the United States and the Supreme Leader of North Korea. Pray that positive results will come out of this meeting.
Pray for Crabtree Valley Baptist Church and our witness to the community and world in which we live. Pray that we will have more visitors, more people interested in uniting with our church by profession of faith, transfer of letter or by statement of their faith.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with compassion for the lost, the lonely, those who are trying to find their way in this complicated world and for each other as we struggle with the issues of life. CONTINUE IN PRAYER.
In His Love, Charles