Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “Don’t Look Back” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Luke 9:57-62; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros and pianist Cheryl Walker. Have you ever tried to
On The Edge
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “On The Edge” given by guest preacher Rev. Keith Vaughn; including scriptures from Luke 19:1-10; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros and pianist Cheryl Walker. We welcome Rev. Keith Vaughn as
There Can Be No Doubt
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “There Can Be No Doubt” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from John 7:25-41; and music performed by pianist Cheryl Walker. We live in a world where doubt and
You Can Have God’s Best
Video Summary Special Worship message and song featuring the sermon “You Can Have God’s Best” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards with scriptures from John 3:16. The saying is really true…you do get what you pay for. If
More Than A Symbol
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “More Than A Symbol” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Luke 22:10-14; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir. WWJD bracelets,
The Freedoms in Battle
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Freedoms in Battle” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from John 8:31-36; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir. At this
The Names of God: Jehovah-Raah
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Names of God: Jehovah-Raah” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Psalm 23; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, and pianist Cheryl Walker. There are times
The Names of God: Jehovah Nissi
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Names of God: Jehovah Nissi” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Exodus 17:8-16; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.
The Names of God: Adonai and Yahweh
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Names of God: Adonai and Yahweh” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Exodus 3:11-15; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the choir.
The Names of God: El-Shaddai and El-Elyon
Video Summary Worship service featuring the sermon “The Names of God: El-Shaddai and El-Elyon” given by Interim Pastor Rev. Johnny Richards; including scriptures from Genesis 14:18-20; 17:1-2; and music performed by music director Risa Poniros, pianist Cheryl Walker and the