Scripture Passage Mark 11:12-25; Matthew 23:1-39; John 13:1-17; Matthew 26:14-25, John 13:18-30; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:13-15, Matthew 26:57-66, 27:1-2, 11-25; Luke 23:26-24:49 Description This Wednesday, we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot
Seven Last Words of Christ: Thirst
Scripture Passage John 19:28 Description This Wednesday, we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot that took place in the 40 days before Easter. For our fourth week of Lent, we examine one
Learning from the Master

Scripture Passage John 7:16-18 Description This Wednesday, we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot that took place in the 40 days before Easter. For our third week of Lent, we will hear
Understand Following Jesus is Hard

Scripture Passage John 6:53-66 Description This Wednesday we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot that took place in the 40 days before Easter. For our third week of Lent, we will come
Believe in What You Have Seen

Scripture Passage John 6:32-33 Description This Wednesday we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot that took place in the 40 days before Easter. For our second week of Lent, we will discuss
Recognizing Your Purpose with Christ

Scripture Passage John 3:22-26 Description This Wednesday we will begin preparing our hearts and minds for Easter. There was a lot that took place in the 40 days before Easter. To begin the season of Lent on this Ash
The Church at Laodicea

Scripture Passage Revelation 3:14-22 Summary While we look at four of the churches in Revelation during Sunday Worship, we will cover the remaining three churches over the next 3 Wednesday nights. With each of these churches, they are applauded
The Church at Sardis

Scripture Passage: Revelation 3:1-6 While we look at four of the churches in Revelation during Sunday Worship, we will cover the remaining three churches over the next 3 Wednesday nights. With each of these churches, they are applauded for
The Church of Philadelphia

Scripture Passage: Revelation 3:7-13 While we look at four of the churches in Revelation during Sunday Worship, we will cover the remaining three churches over the next 3 Wednesday nights. With each of these churches, they are applauded for