“The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett contains the insightful story of two frogs that lived together in a marsh. One hot summer the marsh dried up and they left it to look for another place to live. Frogs
The Invitation of Jesus
What is the best invitation you have ever received? Was it an invitation to a friend’s party, an invitation to go with someone to a special play or concert? Or was it an invitation to go on a long and
Building Bridges
In my readings this week, I came across a story (author unknown) about two brothers who lived on adjoining farms. For close to 40 years they shared farm machinery, labor, and anything else that was needed. Trouble began when they
The Value of Routine
The best thing about traveling is coming home. That does not mean that you do not enjoy your time away. It does not mean that expanding your horizon, exploring new territory and experiencing new things is not worthwhile. It is
Thought of the Week for: January 24
Marches on Washington, protests against the new administration, violence on the streets of our capital, unrest, uncertainty, fear of the known and unknown dominate our news. Dissatisfaction, unrest and protests have happened in past administrative turnovers but not to the
Thought of the Week for: January 17
Our youngest son, Jonathan, had an oyster roast at his home last Saturday night. While I practically grew up on oysters and oyster roasts, it has been a long time since I have been privileged to attend one. When I
Thought of the Week for: January 10
On January 10, 1966 I wrote in my diary, “Truman Smith called. We received unanimous approval from the Personnel Committee (Foreign Mission Board) for appointment to foreign missions. We are to be in Richmond January 18-26 for orientation.” With that approval our lives were to be
Thought of the Week for: January 3
I have never been one to make New Year’s Resolutions mainly because they are usually easily and quickly broken. Nevertheless, I have already intentionally made some changes in my daily routine. For one thing, I have significantly cut back on
Thought of the Week for: December 20
There is a line in the famous story, “a Christmas Carol” from the pen of Charles Dickens and it comes from the heart of transformed Mr. Scrooge: “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all
Thought of the Week for: December 13
If you are looking for a new way to celebrate Christmas, you might try this idea: You gather family and friends of all ages in a large room and ask each person to hold a single unlit candle. Then you